The story of one project
In order to show you our working methods here is a story of one of our projects.
Our customer decided to erect a summer pavilion in the garden of his residence. He wanted the pavilion to have stained glass windows with floral motifs as its main adornment. He approached our firm for a complete design, including artistic and technical solutions, and its implementation.
We started by making preliminary conceptual drawings
of the pavilion and its stained glass windows. -
Using photos we received from the customer,
our own window designs and architectural
drawings as a basis, we prepared pavilion
visualizations, which we then sent for
approval. Our customer liked what we
proposed and gave us a go-ahead. -
We then drew life-size stained glass window designs, cut out the
templates and chose appropriate glass. Afterwards we cut out
individual pieces of glass. -
We applied the first layer of paint, the so-called outline, i.e. a drawing, to the pieces
and preceeded to fire them in the kiln. -
The fired glass was covered with another layer of
paint, called patina or valour. This enabled us to
receive a painterly, spatial effect. Some pieces
of glass were covered with up to four layers of paint. -
After the last firing was completed, we started to join the pieces with lead.
In the meantime, work on the other elements of the pavilion was going on. -
Having completed this stage of the work we
transported everything to the site.
The supporting structure of the pavilion was made
from steel, while the roof was made from larch wood
and covered with copper scales. -
All the elements had to match perfectly.
This was a very difficult moment.
Putting the roof on the supporting structure.
After the whole structure was ready we commenced to assemble the
stained glass windows. -
At last everything was where it belonged.
Even we were surprised with the final result! -
Here are some details.
The larch wood vault with stained glass skylights.
The floor made from three types of sandstone. -
Last finishing touches
Placing a gilded sphere on top of the roof
Work on the floor and the stone base. -
An excellent result!
Photos from inside the pavilion just before twilight. -
And this is the pavilion as it is lit at night.
The results surpassed our customer’s